27-02-2018 Events Alhambra
The Alhambra is the most amazing, fascinating and lavish Hispanic-Muslim Palatine City representative of a time of human talent exponent of a golden age. There is no other enclosure that equals it in renown and refinement. Last stubbornly defended Bulwark and so heroicly won. At the top of a hill topped by sturdy towers bathed by the waters of the Darro. Abode of the Nasrid kings, humble facades and Oriental luxury interiors. Alhambra Palaces full of life, desires and refined sensuality.
26-02-2018 Events Alhambra
Semana Mayor, Holy Week is undoubtedly the most important week of the year in Andalusia and especially in Granada. Declared a Festival of International Tourist Interest, each year coinciding with the first full moon of spring, Granada becomes the Jerusalem of more than two thousand years ago. Its architecture, its neighborhoods, its corners, squares, streets are the best scenario where to relive every year the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. Granada was always a city of artists, cradle of important schools of painting and sculpture that had their biggest push in a popular devotion materialized in dedications so beloved and venerated for generations and generations of Grenadians. The greatest example is found in the devotion that every Grenadian will always carry in his heart since he was born and which dates back to his presence in Granada in 1492, when Queen ELIZABETH begins to worship in our city to the advocacy of Our Lady Lady of Sorrows.
22-02-2018 Events Alhambra
The Albaicín Spring is reborn every year in Granada and flourishes in one of its most magical neighborhoods: the Albaicín. This spring, during the Holy Week do not miss a walk to discover this beautiful neighborhood that will transport you to another era. Our guided tours of the Alhambra and its Nasrid Palaces last about three hours, so you have the magnificent opportunity to take advantage of the rest of the day to get lost in the beautiful alleyways of the Albaicín.
07-12-2017 Events Alhambra
Del 1 de diciembre al 31 de diciembre de 2017
Martes, miercoles, jueves y domingos
La llamada bayt al-maslaj, dentrro del Baño Real del Palacio de Comares, es el espacio del mes en la Alhambra. Popularmente conocido como Sala de las Camas, por los dos amplios aposentos ligeramente elevados que flanquean la estancia principal, está aireado e iluminado cenitalmente por una linterna central, muy frecuente en la arquitectura nazarí.
07-12-2017 Events Alhambra
Del 1 de diciembre al 31 de diciembre de 2017
Jarra de mesa , de pequeño tamaño (22 cm de altura) perteneciente al periodo Almohade, realizada entre los siglos XII y XIII y descubierta en la Alcazaba de Málaga.
La técnica decorativa empleada es la de la "cuerda seca", consistente en imitar en cerámica el efecto que se consigue esmaltando los metales, para lo que se decora la parte exterior con líneas de óxido de manganeso que conformaran el dibujo que se va a realizar y a continuación se rellenarán los espacios con un vedrio teñido de otro color. Al introducir la pieza en el horno, la línea de manganeso hace de límite entre unas zonas y otras evitando que se mezclen los colores.
07-12-2017 Events Alhambra
Del 1 de diciembre al 31 de diciembre de 2017
Se dice que el olivo (Olea europaea L.) es una de las primeras plantas cultivadas por el hombre. De él se obtienen tanto el aceite como las aceitunas, alimentos básicos en la dieta mediterránea. En la mayoría de las lenguas europeas el nombre de este árbol procede del latín ol?vum. En Andalucía persiste además el préstamo del árabe az-záyt (aceite, aceituna) y del bereber az-zabbú? (acebuche u olivo silvestre).
07-12-2017 Events Alhambra
The symbolic changes in the layout of the entrances and the systems for defending the city of the Alhambra after the Christian conquest made the Gate of Justice the most frequently used entrance, as a means of controlling the flow and the origin of visitors.
The Gate still has the same function today, above all in terms of pedestrian access, even though the organization of the visit to the Monument has led to other gates of lesser historic importance acquiring a more prominent role, in line with our heritage obligations in terms of conservation and control of all the historic buildings.
07-12-2017 Events Alhambra
Organizado por el Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife
sábado 9 de diciembre de 12:00 a 13:00
Plaza de los Aljibes (Alhambra)
Ciclo de conciertos gratuitos "Patrimonio de la Humanidad y Música. Alhambra, Albaicín y Sacromonte".